Rude awakening!

Good morning!

I have a hard time figuring out why I woke up this early! At first I woke up at 4.30am and somehow I got back to sleep. Well for two hours and 30 minutes! At 7am, I opened my eyes to see what the hell was going on on TV! It was a middle aged man singing It's Raining Men. Yeah, it was Don't Forget The Lyrics on TV. He was really singing out loud and he seemed to really like what he was singing.

Anyway, waking up to a song like that is definitely a new one to me, but I guess we all experience new things all the time!

When I had checked out the show for a while, I called my sister-in-law to ask her to make some coffee for me (Yeah, she lives up stairs)! She was nice enough to do it and I got my morning coffee just the way I want it :)

And for those of you who don't know it, I'm a smoker and we don't smoke inside, we go out to the porch if we want to smoke. So I took my winter jacket on, the paper in one hand and the coffee in the other and went outside! First thought was, d*mn it! It's cold! Second though was that it's wet and it's raining, a lot (and it definitely ain't men) :P

So yeah, I had a rude awakening today, not too nice but then again, I'm glad it hasn't started snowing quite yet!

Till we meet again, take care!


Here's a list of my week full of events!

Well well... What am I supposed to write now? Hmm...

This week has still been a very eventful one and there are still some things to do before I can come home, lay down and rest my head from everything!

Here's what this week's been full with!
  • Work
  • Bad news about death (And yes, I'm very sad about it)
  • Good news
  • Arguments at work
  • Arguments at home
  • Running errands downtown
  • Meeting Josefin & Philippe
  • Meeting Snjezana (My cousin)
  • Meeting Miko
  • Meeting Josipa
  • Meeting Sharon, Lana, Bahtie and Emii
  • Surprising Bahtie
  • Canceled trip to Bucharest
  • Bought tickets to Sensation White in Copenhagen
  • Walking the dog
  • Playing with the dog
  • Lack of sleep
  • Bad mood
  • Getting a haircut
  • Helping a drunk gentleman home
  • Watching movies
  • Celebrating Patricija at George's restaurant (tonight)
Well folks, that's what this week has been full of! Yeah, maybe it doesn't seem like much to some people, but for me, mentally, it's been a hell of a week and a bit too much at the same time to handle. Anyhow, I've survived so far and hopefully next week with one funeral and two parties (Yes, it feels weird to go to a funeral one day and then party two days after that, but I really don't feel like I want to cancel anything more).

Yeah, that's it for now!

And once again, thanks Bahtie for being so understanding! You're such a great friend and you've really found your way into my heart. I'm so thankful for having you in my life! Keep on bringing joy to the world because that's what you do, you make me smile every time I think of you!

Till next time!
Take care.


I don't give a flying f*ck what you think!

I was talking to my mother today when she, after months and months, noticed that I've done some more work on my tattoo (the one on the arm). She started asking me when the hell I did it and why I hadn't told her anything about it blah blah blah blah blah! And okay, I admit, I was a chicken for not daring to tell her about it, but I know what she thinks of tattoos and it ain't good! So I told her that I did it two months ago or something like that (I don't even remember myself when exactly it was!). She gave me a very foul look and carried on discussing whatever she was talking about (Probably work or money or some other subject she usually talks about).

It feels so d*mn nice now that this tattoo deal is out of the "closet" because now I don't have to hide it from anyone, anymore! On the other hand, I honestly don't understand why I hid the tattoo from my mama, I mean, I never gave a flying f*ck what she thought of it anyway! After all, it's my body, my money and my choice, if she doesn't like it, she can always close her eyes! I never made her like what I like and I ain't going to try doing it in the future either!

Anyway, I'm hungry after my nice and cold shower, so I'll go and grab something to eat and perhaps watch a movie or something! I just wanted to write this down first!


A little sad, a little humor...

Another day has come and I'm sitting here in my room, as usual, writing and listening to music and taking care of the dog. Yes, that's how I'm preparing for my trip to Bukarest! And I can't believe that it's actually one week left till I'm leaving! I can't wait to get out of this place. I only wish I would stay in Bukarest for a while longer than just a few days.

Anyway, I've been looking after the dog today again and he's a bit ill today, vomiting and having diarrhea :( Well, I hope he'll get better soon because it's breaking my heart to see my little dog lying on the floor, doing nothing at all. He doesn't want to play, he's not eating nor drinking. I've talked to a veterinary, but all he said was to keep an extra eye on him and that he probably will be better by tomorrow. We'll see what'll happen, but I hope he'll get well soon!

If we proceed from the sad dog-subject to something funnier I'd like to tell everyone how much I love Saturday Night Live! I was looking for clips on Youtube when I found this one with Taylor Lautner from the Twilight movies (Though, I found it on Video Hippy and NOT on Youtube). Really funny! I love aunt Sue, she's the best when she gets surprised about the pregnancy... Anyway, I don’t want to say too much so here you go, laugh away!


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